Friday 14 September 2012

All About Me !...

" Craving For Sweets, Makes My Morning Complete..

." Im a woman who were happily married for almost 16 years to a Magician. Both of us fond of discovering unique and pleasant experience no matter what it is, curiosity to find the right answer in every question makes our wellness fulfilled.

  I am certified proud mother of 3 children. Not a disciplinary type but a hands on mom who always ensure kids welfare.

A career woman who work as a Professional Event Emcee.Talking is my business. I love speaking, showing my skills, I want to be famous and be known in my most creative way.

I love lotion. It comforts me. I cannot live without it.

I have “Bantot” It is a lousy old pillow for almost 10 years. I bring it anywhere. It makes me feel at home.

 I crave for spicy food but I do not eat beef minimal of pork meat. I love tofu with lots of onion and jalapeno mix with soy sauce and vinegar as condiments.

 I love wearing high heels shoes 4inches minimum. It makes me feel sexy and tall.
I love hats, I put beads, rhinestones and ruffles with it.

 My color preference, it should be earth colors but more of brown shades, tarnished green and old rose. I love vintage, old but colorful decors. Country style theme fits my personality.

 Im fond of stickers and magnets. Even my husband magic props and kids school essentials, i put stickers on it.
Im a feline person. I love cat. I possess cat instinct wherein I have the ability communicate with them.
I cannot sleep without the help of my generic diphenhydramine. I makes me relax resulting to a better sleep. I hate being fat. It lessen my confidence. Being fit makes me fab. However, Very Sweet Desserts liven up my day.
I love sunflowers. I am very spontaneous and working very hard to plant them. Often failure but I wont quit. My advocacy is to become a "Sunflower Ambassadress of The Philippines"

Im scared of worms....My heartbeat increases resulting to a major scream and fast run. Im sooo afraid of ghost. My imagination haunt me all the time.

I love listening to AM radio while sewing my gowns and costumes. It keeps me updated at the same time a productive sewer.

I am not a brand person. I do patronize ukay-ukay, tiangge, surplus and Divisoria. As long it will fit my fashion sense and of course the price must be cheap.

When Im doing hosting, Iced Tea is my best companion. It keeps me going. No sodas please. Im hyper acidic.
 I dont experience pedicure and manicure inside the salon. My nails kept short and nothing.

I do not comb or brush my hair for 10 years except if salon artist need to fix my hair for a show.. Ironic but its true. My hair strand is very sensitive maybe because of my thyroid problem. I do not go to parlor. It makes no sense…

Friday 31 August 2012

A Parent Letter To School Directress

A letter of concerns and clarification addressed from previous school. Mainly the reason why we decided pulling out our kids and transferred them. To the School Directress Greetings, It is an honor for me to submit this letter of clarifications and concerns in behalf of my fellow parents perusal. School year 2012 were almost done and we were so happy of our children milestones. It was indeed a fulfillment for us seeing them how to interact well with teachers and classmates. The merit is definitely address to all faculties who walk extra miles without asking anything in return. Truly a noble duty and it is priceless.... School year 2012, as parents we notice some collections and payable were implemented without prior consultation. We received circulars stating the amount we need to settle whether we agree or not. We need to comply for the sake of completion. Our understanding basically, additional fee for extra curricular activity is normal, part of school enrichment program. But carrying the burden of paying "extras" regularly, beyond the usual and consider as excess is very alarming. Based on our recall, series of events entail this matter. We just hold with the benefit and advantage in effect. However,Your "Moving Up" expense details we believe is not reasonable and not worth the price anymore. We dearly hope management will study the outcome correspond the issue. Our worries pertains to some parents having second thoughts of enrolling their children again. Validate the possibility, parents who didnt show interest of availing tuittion fee discount might be the one. I myself contemplating too. Other school offer same quality, lesser tuittion fee and not so much solicitation. Although we paid our reservation already, but still were open for revision. Simple parents like us need to work hard and exert much effort to give our children a good future. Small amount mean so much to us. We know our obligation and were willing to give in if theres an importance and necessity involve. We appeal to the management to please be guided of this questions before implementating a project. What is the objective? How much is the cost? Will it be productive to the student? Will it be fine to parents majority paying for this? If not, can the school justify the benefit? Is there any alternative ways or materials that can be use? Thank you very much and More Power...

Wednesday 8 August 2012

" Youre Right, Im Right Whats Next ? "...Indifference Prevails !

Looking at my fingers, feeling so gloomy and sad. I realized that fingers is like human. Fingers comes with different form, shape and length. Nothings even. Totally different from one another.

Sometimes no matter how you prove yourself, no matter how you try to please other, specially people who were close and dear to you. There will be no effect. Stereo type casting that if you are less capacity. It simply means less attention, no appreciation, but full of distractions.

Conflict of interest? Maybe... Indifference of views and opinions?... Slightly .....
superiority and authority ?.... Probably.

Writing for me is one way of expressing my own point of view. My objective is to observe proper ethics all the time. It means not to promote nor destroy a certain product, service,people etc.. Everything I wrote and published must be in accordance from my own dealings of endeavor and experience.

I am not expecting anything in return. Bad feedback, good feedback will be fine. Gratification and acceptance is just an added bonus for me. I will be happy to be accepted by anybody. I believe, my writings will be my legacy when my time come.

I am not perfect. Grammatically and technically. I have lapses. I have shortcomings and I have lack of orientations, I admit. But It doesnt mean I am less capable. To be responsible is very broad to explain. Knowing the limit, doing a research, thinking appropriate terms and editing no matter if it takes forever needs to be a part of every subject. I believe thats my pattern.

I cannot justify myself. Reasoning is different from being arrogant. Often times, Indifference was hard to manage. I would rather isolate myself and makes myself busy in more productive ways than being visible and later develop conflict due to each others "Indifference".

Kids Deserves Kids (Knowledge, Interaction, Discover. Skills) )

Module Activity Line Up Schedule every Tuesday and Wednesday 1-3pm @ Eastview Homes 2 Blk5 Lot10 Kiddie Crafts and Ideas: Php 4,999/Kid (Discount given if 3 or more kids will be enroll) Craft Materials all included. Reusable Cute Name tags, Mini colorful Aprons, Hairnet,Plastic Gloves, Graduation Certificate, Merits and Ribbons To make a reservation, please call us anytime : 692-8097, 383-1075, 0919 251-1466(Smart), 0917 358-2361(Globe) We require a Reservation fee of 1,500 for kids material allocation. Completion of payment will be 3 days before graduation. Crafts Program Schedule ( 1st Part Junior Course) Melting your Chocolates and turn it into a Sweet Lollipop ( Choco chips, mold tray etc.) Create your yummy cupcake (frosting, candy sprinkles, plain cupcake, choco bits etc.) flip flop Making (advice us your kids shoe size) includes Plain Slipper, accessories, Ribbons and cords) Bring your old shoes and turn it into a real fancy stuff using kids freewill to create a design the way they like it. (accessories, Glue, yarn, Stickers, buttons, ribbons,Glitters etc.) Make your own Balloon Kiddie Pot with curling ribbons ( Plastic Cup, ribbons, wrappers) Inflate and create your kiddie balloon centerpiece (Asstd. Balloons, Sticks, Tags etc.) Make your own Grahams fruit dessert (All Ingredients for hands on included) Fresh Refreshment Preparation ( Fruits, pine apple juice, cups, cute straws, table for serving, etc...Parents will be invited to taste their kids prepared juice. 5:30 - 6pm Kiddie Mini Graduation Celebration will be the giving of certificates and merits “ FOR ALL KIDS”. We will classify them according to their best aspect and positive behavior. We will consider parents or guardian observation during the initial class. We discourage your humble presence after. This is to develop kids own initiative and independence. We must provide complete support with better understanding that yes they can do it. Anything is possible. Make them feel that we admire them and we are proud of them as parents.2e.... Skills Program Schedule (2nd Part Sophomore Course) Same Time, Same Place... Program Skills Development Course: Php 4,999/Kid (Discount given if 3 or more kids will be enroll) To make a reservation, please call us anytime : 692-8097, 383-1075, 0919 251-1466(Smart), 0917 358-2361(Globe) We require a Reservation fee of 1,500 for kids material allocation. Completion of payment will be 3 days before graduation. Kiddie Puppetry – Create your own puppet friend (Materials Included) May 9 Learn how to talk with your puppet by shifting your voice and do the right timing. ( Special Appearance of our 2 most love puppet Maximo and Matilda ) Team Building Activity – Formation of Team ( Polka Dots Team and Stripes Team ) Kiddie Orientation of Game objectives, mechanics, dos and donts, line up of challenge Meeting and bonding with Team mates, distribution of head tie with polka dots and stripe design Kids Challenging Day. Series of activity will be done. Surprising yet full of fun. Its a point system method. A simple token will be given both winning and non winning team Its a Magical Day – Kids will learn how to do simple magic. A Professional Magician kuya Arcturus will do the demonstration and presentation. Discover your Talent Workshop Preparation of Kiddie Variety Show, Stage Kiddie Set Up, Performance Line Up, Final Rehearsal Kids Presentation Graduation and Awarding Ceremony - giving of certificates and merits “ FOR ALL KIDS”. We will classify them according to their best talent and positive behavior. Photo booth for souvenir will be available for everyone No Oil Popcorn Cart for all Lemon Tea with fresh mint will be serve

Sunday 22 May 2011

Attention Party Coordinators/ Rants and Ravings - Please Read...

Talents and Coordinators works hand in hand to ensure program success. Consideration matters after. Specially if its out of town. Contract clearly indicated that "decent" accommodation is a must. We avoid long travel at night due to poor vision and safety. Travel time takes 6 hours going back. Trusting the coordinator's words as our booker, she committed to reserve a room for us to stay. We later found out it was her client beach house. After the party at parish venue some guest proceeded there to continue the celebration.

A real disgraced putting us in an attic room with full of servants hanging clothes and undies, very steep and narrow wooden stair with all our luggage really risky to go up. Visible spiders web, dust, dilapidated bed and pillow, Broken pawid walls and No Door.... We felt insulted. After rendering a full effort quality show. Courtesy and respect at least. Looking at some rooms obviously vacant really disappoints us. Although client were nice and grateful, we humbly told them that we will just take the last trip going back. Kids were waiting. We didnt bring our SUV due to annual casa maintenance thats why we decided to commute. The coordinator was nowhere to be found already (supposedly our direct contact). Maybe resting inside aircon room. Client told the driver to drove us nearby bus terminal. Still very thankful to us for having a nice party. Good Lord, It was late already. Tired and exhausted waiting for the 11:30pm bus to arrive. Our saving grace when we found out theres a good pension house just across the terminal. We decided to spend our night there.

My fellow coordinators, always remember Attitude and respect plays a vital role to maintain good working relationship with co suppliers. Specially in this kind of industry. Good Partners means a lot. No matter if its simple crew or well known performers. They will render a quality show and service to give your company good credits. In return, Being considerate of what they need such as basic food or cold water at least before the show start after a very long and tiring travel for almost 7 hours instead of advising them change costume and prepare right away even theres no guest yet. Performers were not robot. Attending to simple courtesy brings drive and appreciation to perform well. Its a sign of humility and concerns. "The Golden Rule Always Remember"...

Friday 20 May 2011


Why do I love Nuffnang?
Because Nuffnang brings me out to the open.... To be free and transparent finally!!!

Before, my visions and ideas always left behind. Being on the safe side would be better. Failures will just add burden and frustrations. Most of the time, my preference was to keep my mouth shut.

But when I was accepted as Nuffnang member, It boost my drive and confidence. To be a Professional Master of Ceremony, is not an easy task. Clarity of what I am saying is very important. But after the event, everything was over.

Blink...blink... Now its totally different. Being a certified Nuffnanger, I can write and post anything and anytime I want. Supporters/Readers always be there 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

I love Nuffnang because my animal instinct will be no longer a different character. To be accepted and being appreciated by my fellow nuffnangers gives me a sense of fulfillment.

Nuffnang is a way of life....sometimes happy, sometimes confused, inspired, frustrated, motivated, bothered, complicated, totally intoxicated.

But honestly, I love Nuffnang because it reminds me the feeling of being home.

A second family that brings warmth and support for each and every ones progress.

And for that, I will be happy to bring my family on this very special day.

But if ever weather will not smile and hesitant to give us a bright sunshine on the day of May 28,2011. Me and my husband will still be on the go.....

Keeping my finger cross, No dark entities can stop me from joining this... See You All Fellow Nuffnangers... Cheers !!!!

Tuesday 17 May 2011

" Magicians Magic "

Abrakadabra....Alakazammm....Open Sesame..... Those are the common magic words we hear everytime we see somebody performing magic. Is it real or not? Lets admit it, magic brings back fondness of our childhood memories. Reflection of being amazed visibly seen without noticing that our jaw drops already.

I will focus this blog intended for our local magicians only. I am not really a magic fanatic. But being married to a magician means being a friend to them as well. Just like an ordinary people, magicians reflects different personalities. Lifestyles, routine, fashion, packaging, expertise, priorities etc. etc. Theres only one thing that binds them together. Dedication and determination to learn more about the art of magic.

Here in our country, not all citizens aware that several group or brotherhood of magicians were formed. Among those were MAGFI(where my husband belong), IMC, Salamangkeros, Star Aces and many more.... Unlike fraternity, indifference of one group from the other doesnt mean conflict and misunderstanding. Instead, an annual sports activity bonds them together as real brothers in magic.

Recently, some of our good magicians career shines, penetrating local TV industry. Talent shows opens another door for opportunity. Taking the lead serves as an advantage. Not everybody was given a break but at least they tried somehow. Magic Industry starts to create their own trend. That is why, trainings and seminars was being conducted every now and then. Uplifting each other skills means a good income potential for all.

A part of the reality entails struggles and circumstances. There were some people whom we can compare to a leech that destroys the root. Revealing publicly the ethics of magic affects the whole system. Magicians performed and work very hard because they need to earn a living. Basically to provide food for the family. To sustain their children education for a better future. To give a decent home and able to pay all the dues for everyday consumption.

Money makes the world go round... Every reason has its own meaning. Thinking to make everything easier definitely a good strategy but loosing credibility and destroying the majority means self immaturity that leads to brain incapacity.

To all Filipino Magicians, your skills cannot be learned overnight. It demands hard work and perseverance to be called as "Professional". Some might consider themselves as one, but the essence of being a true performer comes from the heart within and beyond. Cheers!!!!

Tuesday 10 May 2011

" Domino Pizza Grand Launching of a New Branch.. El Molito Mall Alabang "

May 10,2011, I was invited to attend Domino Pizza Grand Opening of their new branch located at El Molito Mall Alabang. Registration start exactly 4pm and we arrived on time. I saw my fellow bloggers however I wasnt able to mingle with them because the seats were full already. Ribbon Cutting begun, headed by the President Mr.Tong Hong with his lovely wife. Accompanied by some VIP guest, the ceremonial blessing started exactly 4:30pm.

Everybodys paying attention including staff and crew even some dine in customers.
Candles were lighted as part of the ceremony.

Showering of coins and candies right after encourage good luck and prosperity... We had fun catching all the blessings. What makes it more exciting was that, crew were doing the Domino Pizza Cheer. I think its part of their trainings. It develops camaraderie as well.

The event wont be complete without hearing inspiring words from the President Mr. Tong Hong. He explains some details about the store ambiance, fresh look, fresh pizza flavor and the 30 minutes delivery policy. They ensure to follow the standard weighing procedure of their ingredients to make sure that customer will get exactly what they order.

And what to expect next?.... What else but Its Pizza Chow Time!!! First, we were serve to enjoy the Pepperoni Flavor.

Personally, I am not a pizza fanatic. I have my own pizza brand favorite but not to the point of craving for it most of the time. For me, this flavor was fine. Not too much oil, not too thin and not too thick. The serving size and flavors makes Domino Pizza different from one another. Slightly salty on my palette, but its ok. Next Flavor arrived was Hawaiian Pizza.

I can say this flavor is one of the basic but still competitive. Ham and pineapple filling. Just enough to satisfy pizza craving. And before my stomach become blotted, the last flavor I tasted was their Domino Pizza Deluxe.

Among 3 flavors, this will be my bet. Maybe because onion, mushroom,green pepper etc. dominate the flavor. I am not a meat or beef eater. Veggies and greens is my preference.

Thats me! enjoying my pizza with my new found friend from San Miguel Corporation.

Me and Ms. Issa The Marketing Officer of Domino Pizza

The kiosk counter serve as customer guide of their pizza status.

Domino Pizza list of menu at the counter area.

Domino Pizza motorbike to ensure fast delivery within 1 mile radius from the store outlet

Luckily, I was able to sit down with the President Mr. Tong Hong. Doing an ambush interview was a breeze because he was very warm and friendly answering all my questions.

And of course, my day will not be complete without having PICTURE! PICTURE!...Thats Me, my photographer hubby Arcturus, my fellow blogger Arvin (vintersection) and Mr. Tong Hong.
By the way, Domino Pizza has 3 branches already.
a. Marvin Plaza, Pasong Tamo, Makati - 7543030
b. Silver City, Tiendesitas, Ortigas, Pasig City - 5763030
c. Molito, Alabang -- 5533030
Guess what? No franchise. Only one owner for all branches....Super Dooper Admirable isnt it?

Everything was a pleasant experience. I enjoyed and added another milestone in my life I consider. Hoping to attend more bloggers event soon. Thank you Manila Boy and Mr Spanky for referring me. I hope to catch you the best time possible.

More Power Domino Pizza....Cheers !!!

Monday 2 May 2011

Where Will You Take Your Boracay Rum?

Summer...Summer....Summer.... Heat fever is on!!! Beach boom, bikini babes, hunks in trunks, sunblocks, flip flops...And introducing, the best tasting Rum ever....."BORACAY RUM" needless to say more?... Summer Rocks !!!!!

But what about June onwards? Possible but not feasible...
Being an Event Planner and a Professional Emcee, I only have one clear answer on this question (Where Will You Take Your Boracay Rum?)

My Answer ; Boracay Rum will invade "My Events"...

Boracay Rum will be Best to heat my Hawaiian Tropical Party

Modern Day Princess Theme Party will never be cool without Boracay Rum Treat.

Wedding, Wedding, Wedding... Saying "I Do" will be lot easier with Boracay Rum

Not a kid anymore but Girls definitely Rule the Party - Boracay Rum is a Must!

Corporate Dinner Party - superiors & subordinates rewards and success lifts up if Boracay Rum Toast will take the lead.

Grand Product Launching Event will be full of surprises if Boracay Rum Fever Begin.

Boracay Rum will exceed the taste of the Royals. Having a Kingdom Party Why not?

Elegance of having a Red Carpet theme will be perfect if mix with Boracay Rum with a Twist.

Moulin Rouge Theme Party means Boracay Rum Fling Party All Night Long....

And of course doing my personal favorite, Boracay Rum will be my number 1 choice for Out of Town Beach Party Events.

Oh!and how can I forget that I will definitely enjoy my Boracay Rum with my one and only. My husband for life. Great confider, my best friend, my drinking buddy..he-he

Parties and Events will not be complete without cocktails and drinks. To chill ,or to be wasted really doesnt matter at all. Boracay Rum exceeds my expectation. Definitely better, affordable and great tasting..... Really a pleasant experience to look forward.

When to taste it? Anytime, anywhere whatever your heart desires.... Cheers !!!

See Yah...