Wednesday, 23 March 2011

" End of the World...My Own Perception, Fears and Worries...Trust and Faith "

Heavy Rains, Flood, Tremors, Tsunami, Earthquake, War, Famine, Fire, Pollution, Religion, Practice, Immorality etc..etc.. Those were the indication that end of the world is near to come.

I received plenty of chain letters and text. Insinuating message of duplications for the information of everyone. Its not that I do not believe of what was written, but my preference of sharing the message doing my own way. Telling it to people I know. My families and friends. Some of them believe, but most of them just keep the ball rolling. My mother Is a real believer. She gave me a holy candle. It is the only thing that will light from a total darkness. " Che just keep on praying. God will keep windows and doors safe from evil entities ". Pray the rosary and Apostle creed. Do not be afraid. God will always be there.

I was able to watched two movies both tackle about catastrophe. First was “Knowing” by Nicolas Cage and the other was “2012″ John Cusack and Danny Glover played the lead role. My personal choice, Definitely “Knowing”. It touches my heart…

The movie shows the empathy of a father letting go of his son. Parents love and understanding cannot be measured by any disasters. I can relate to this. I believe rapture might be happen anytime. Nobody exactly can predict when will it be. Much as I wanted to avoid thinking of it, but series of phenomena and manifestations happened.

I am guilty most of the time. Pre occupied by all temporary obligations. Work, family, personal matters etc..etc.. My communications with “Him” during the last hour of the day, before I go to sleep. Being so tired with all day commitments and taking a dose of my sleeping pill, I fell asleep. My prayers were unfinished.

If our Gods time will come, I fear… I am not prepared, I am not worthy to be save.. My prayer, my only wish.. My kids will not be hurt. They will just close their eyes and everything will be fine. God I believe, will take care of everything.

My greatest prayer, for the last breath of my life. I wanted to be with my husband and the whole family. We will just embrace each other, Not minding the pain and sorrows. Holding each other arms, being protected and being love. A feeling of assurance that no matter what happened, We will always be a family…. That glorifying moment I can say,“I am ready to face my last journey ".

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