Sunday 22 May 2011

Attention Party Coordinators/ Rants and Ravings - Please Read...

Talents and Coordinators works hand in hand to ensure program success. Consideration matters after. Specially if its out of town. Contract clearly indicated that "decent" accommodation is a must. We avoid long travel at night due to poor vision and safety. Travel time takes 6 hours going back. Trusting the coordinator's words as our booker, she committed to reserve a room for us to stay. We later found out it was her client beach house. After the party at parish venue some guest proceeded there to continue the celebration.

A real disgraced putting us in an attic room with full of servants hanging clothes and undies, very steep and narrow wooden stair with all our luggage really risky to go up. Visible spiders web, dust, dilapidated bed and pillow, Broken pawid walls and No Door.... We felt insulted. After rendering a full effort quality show. Courtesy and respect at least. Looking at some rooms obviously vacant really disappoints us. Although client were nice and grateful, we humbly told them that we will just take the last trip going back. Kids were waiting. We didnt bring our SUV due to annual casa maintenance thats why we decided to commute. The coordinator was nowhere to be found already (supposedly our direct contact). Maybe resting inside aircon room. Client told the driver to drove us nearby bus terminal. Still very thankful to us for having a nice party. Good Lord, It was late already. Tired and exhausted waiting for the 11:30pm bus to arrive. Our saving grace when we found out theres a good pension house just across the terminal. We decided to spend our night there.

My fellow coordinators, always remember Attitude and respect plays a vital role to maintain good working relationship with co suppliers. Specially in this kind of industry. Good Partners means a lot. No matter if its simple crew or well known performers. They will render a quality show and service to give your company good credits. In return, Being considerate of what they need such as basic food or cold water at least before the show start after a very long and tiring travel for almost 7 hours instead of advising them change costume and prepare right away even theres no guest yet. Performers were not robot. Attending to simple courtesy brings drive and appreciation to perform well. Its a sign of humility and concerns. "The Golden Rule Always Remember"...

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