Tuesday 22 February 2011

" A Mystery Called... Love "

” Yes I believe He is the right guy for Me.. Is He?
” We are compatible in every way “… Are you Sure?
“He brings out the best in me “…….And So ?
” I cannot live without him ” …. Why is he holding your breath?
" He completes Me ” …. Are you a Puzzle or What ?

Well before, hearing all  those words makes me sick.  For me It is all bloopers and full of never ending promises. Dreaming of a happy ending story is too far from reality. ” And they live happily ever after ” can only be happen in books and movies.Of course I am not sour graping ..Most of men do anything and everything to please a lady. Somehow as time progresses, Men changed and the woman behind them will be the least of their priority. That is totally absurd !!.. I believe of what I feel and what I see. It is hard to justify a fact without a proof. That is why, I keep on telling myself to hold on of what I believe.
Everything change when I met this wonderful man named ” Arcturus”.
It was a whirlwind affair. Him as my phone pal without any idea how he looks like. We were phone line friends for five years.
After 5 years finally  we decided to meet at last !!!  The location was at Tia Maria in Greenbelt.
Upon entering, I saw this thin guy, not so cute sitting down in front of the bar. Well I guess he is the one. He said  “Hi are you Che? ” a simple nod confirming my name. It was plain getting to know each other moment,  typical conversation after we called it a night.
Our Phoneline friendship continous,    another 3 years passed and we saw each other again. Still no attraction.
Being a friend to him even tru phone, We were able to share each other secrets. In times of sorrows, we gave advices. We do not hesitate to tell each others fault and try to work things up with our partner. That time we are into different relationship.

It was a clash. The communication stop.. He was able to work abroad as seaman. I graduated and earned my college degree finding the right career for me. Few months passed until one day I received an overseas call from him inviting me together with his family  to visit him in Bataan. Their ship was bound to discharge oil.  It was a mix feeling of surprise and confusion. I did not say no but I did not say yes also. 3 days before the invitation, weather is terrible. Super typhoon hits luzon and huge damaged were not in control.  I prayed, ask for his enlightment. Asking him to please give me a clear sign if I will go or not.  I believe travel via sea will not be ideal because all the departures were being cancel . There was no easy other way to go there except via sea.
Waking up the following day fancied my eyes. It was a sunny beautiful morning. Everything was bright and clear. I prayed again, asking God if this is his way of telling me to go. I asked again another sign. Seeing anything white that is unussual part of the house. Then I went downstairs. Well everything look so familiar. It is our house anyway.. but wait., there is something being left at the door. I checked it and obviously  it was a PLDT phone bill.   What a great way to start a day..suddenly I realized, hey ! the bill was inside white envelope. Without hesitation, I proceed.
It was a beautiful memory. knowing his family, fellow crew makes me happy. He told me to wait for him. His contract will take 6 more months to finish.  Assuring me of something which I do not believe. 2 months after… An advice that their ship will be scrap and all crews temporarily needs to take a vacation.
It was unexpected. Within a blink of an eye, I was overwhelmed,  tearfully walking down the isle with my mom and brother. At the end of it, there is this man waiting for me. Showing to everyone how much he love me. I believe God was with us. The ceremony was very sacred and everybody reflects happiness and support.. It was a dream come true…
11 years passed. Still I am sleeping beside the man of my dreams… ” Arcturus” I am so happy to be your wife…
I Love you so Dearly……

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