Tuesday 22 March 2011

" My Career, My Passion, My choice ... A Professional Emcee Point of View "

It was a siesta time for me. Arcturus was having a meeting while I decided not to accompany him. I grab the chance of giving myself alone and create a blog. Moomba is just beside Rotary building. The ambiance was nice and performers doing well . If I am not mistaken they called their group as Marmalade. So far so good because I love the repertoire. Bossa Nova. A jazz with a twist. I ordered chicken Cordon bleu with Green Salad and a bottle of beer. Haaayy, what a relaxing way to unwind. Sometimes being alone all by myself brings back my memory of being free and single.

I used to work as a Professional Medical Representative in one of the biggest pharmaceutical company here in the Philippines. My tenure lasted for 7 years. Being an employee gives me feeling of security. Fellow worker and crew consider as my 2nd family.
However, the battle and endless competition was merely a fact. Being better against each other would be a great advantage. A productive employee whos doing an extra miles will be given more rewards and promotions. An employee needs to be vigilant at all times or else, backseat will be your place. Proving myself for 7 years, ensuring my rank to be always on top or to be one of what they called as ” the cream of the crop “… ..I woke up one day, feeling tired, wasted and bored.

After too much contemplating, finally I decided to seek for a change. A change which I believe will give me a better opportunity. A different career that will broaden my ability. No boss, no everyday routine, no rules written by the book. I want a career that will appreciate of what I am capable of doing. Its a risky move yes, But I am ready to take the risk.

Hosting, Public Speaking, Presentation and Delivering of Speech I believe is my passion. My mind create an instant imagination and express it without buckles and pauses. Applying it for a career is really a plus. Now I realize that not all people were given a skills like that. I am very happy that finally I found my true calling.

Weddings, Debut, Corporate launching and Kiddie Parties are the common examples of my events. Efficient Emcee plays a vital role for a program success. It was truly rewarding to receive compliments and nice feedback each and every time my events were done. Sometimes I am thinking if everybody has the ability to do the task similar of what I am doing. I decided to do my own studies and analysis and found out that, no its not…Each and everyone has different God gifted talent. The person needs to discover their inner strength and own expertise.

Its getting late. Still in the middle of strangers. I ordered Chocolate Decadence Cake. I have to satisfy my sweet tooth.While checking the menu my criteria was to order the sweetest dessert I can find…This one, nnaaaahhhh…It tasted frozen. bland and below standard. For the prize of 125 plus tax for a small piece of cake, not worth it… Well, quantity not always comes with a good quality. Its a reality! hhmmmmppp…

My parting message, opportunity often knocks. Its a matter of self anticipation. It simply explains why people progressed, why people failed, why people survived. Our choice is what we make it….

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