Tuesday 1 March 2011

" A Wonderful Place Together with A Wonderful People "

Not everyday, not all the time. But oftentimes, finding wonderful people who shows genuine concern with purity and kindness in their heart is really a challenge. Me and my husband were lucky to find one. The place… Puerto Princesa Palawan.
Last January 2011, a certain Mrs Aimee Ong inquired to us online. I was able to reply her inquiry right away. Not too much expectation because competition among talents were massive specially online. But fortunately they confirmed the booking. The client agreed to provide all our requirements such as round trip airfare, hotel accommodation, food, transfers and much higher professional fee due to provincial rate difference. After some coordination particularly with Daddy Albert everything went well.
February 27, 2011. Heading our way to NAIA, Daddy Albert text us that a representative from the hotel will pick us up at the airport. Our flights were a little bit delay due to airline traffic congestion. We arrived safely, A van was waiting for us and proceed to A & A Hotel ( the party venue and the place where we will stay ). I saw my name at the welcome board of the hotel as guest. We were given a strawberry juice upon registration and ushered us going to our assigned room after.
Finally, we met this wonderful couple. It was a nice feeling to be welcome personally by them. They hand over the giant dove to be use for the magic show. The dove looks like a chicken because of their heavy weight. But of course, Arcturus needs to adjust and still deliver a good magic routine. We feel so much blessed to host the party of a very dear Baby Aika. Although at first, our audience seems to be shy specially when I announced that we came all the way from Manila. But as the show went on, everybody’s participating well.
After our show, Mr and Mrs Ong continue sharing all nice stories with us. Until such time we go back to our room, Its past 8pm already. After an hour, we heard a friendly knock at the door. It was Daddy Albert bringing Baby Aika’s sign frame, asking if we can write a message. He also gave us some chocolates customized for Baby Aika. We think of something also to give at least simple tokens for their three kids. Fortunately I was able to bring my new small princess crown for Baby Aika, A fashionable purple necklace for Ate Ainee and a Magic trick for kuya Aldrin. After giving it, the couple invite us to have a coffee with them. They will just wait for their yaya to arrive. It was truly a nice gestures to be invited. However, without me knowing, I fell asleep already. Arcturus just advice them tru text message. Our late coffee date was canceled.
Waking up the following day, we heard again a knock. It was Daddy Albert. Inviting us to have breakfast with them. The food were great. We shared a lot of interesting stories, although Daddy Albert took his time also attending to his business concern ( phone calls, directing his staff, go out a while ) but still, he always comes back and able to share his precious time with us. Mommy Aimee together with Baby Aika shows a smile on her face most of the time. She was indeed a very lovely lady, graceful and smart. She has a good looking husband, Beautiful and healthy kids. We can say that they possess the picture of an ideal family. A perfect family role to portray. It was almost 11 am when we finished our breakfast meeting.

Upon checking out at the hotel, Daddy Albert still there and manage to assist us. Even at the last minute he was suggesting if we wanted to stay in their great grandparents lodge. However, we already advice our confirmation to other. We feel that they wanted to ensure our comfort and safety. What he did was to check all the details of the place where we will be staying. He make sure that the place is decent and safe by asking representative from Tourist Information office. It was really touching how come people like them whom weve only met 24 hours ago shows deep concern for us. We feel so blessed.
March 1, 2011. The day of our departure. We stroll around the vicinity and go back to our room to pack our things. When we were about to leave, we receive a text. It was Mommy Aimee asking if they can meet us before our flight. Without any hesitation, we answered yes. We will just wait for them at the airport. She replied that they will go to our place but tricycle is already waiting outside. The couple still follow us at the airport. I wasnt able to go out due to heavy lines at the check in counter. Much as I wanted to see them before we leave but I cannot leave our baggage unattended. When Arcturus returned, He was holding a big plastic bag with a lot of cashews of different varieties sweet, salted and plain. It was given by Mr and Mrs Ong. I wanted to go out and personally thank them but my husband told me that they left already. They need to be in hurry because they still have a meeting to attend. I just send my message of thanks tru text and they replied, wishing us to have a safe flight. We will see each other again soon….
Almost 10 years of existence on this business. We met a lot of nice and pleasant people, client particularly. But I can proudly say that Mr. Albert and Mrs Aimee Ong together with their three beautiful children Aldrin, Ainee and Aika were truly one of the best client we ever had.
In behalf of our family. Saying thank you is not enough. All the gestures and effort stored in our hearts forever…. Puerto Princesa is really a wonderful place making it more wonderful knowing wonderful people like them truly exist…..

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