Saturday 12 March 2011

" A Very Inspiring Couple....Our Mentor...Our Idol "

Last night, I was able to host a very wonderful launching event. The product, ” Coffee and Hot Chocolate “. The ambiance at Two Serendra located at The Fort was truly a blast. Obviously the expected guest came in and I can say that everybody look fabulous. Everything went well. From the staff, food, music,models, bar attendant, cocktails and of course the host.. woo..woooottt !!! no other than yours truly ehem -ehem…,

Together with all the guest enjoying the party, There is this humble couple whom we dearly love. A couple who achieve amazing success on their chosen business. Our mentor, our idols Mr and Mrs Marlon and Michelle Aman. They started from a very humble beginning wherein they only have Php 100,000 cash on hand. Determination, dedication and discipline serve as their potent weapon to take the risk. Miguelitos was born, It is a soft serve ice cream very enticing for kids and adults. Another business that they look upon was their LPG Business. A basic Household necessities, the market definitely limitless.

The couple visualize positive approach and decided to venture into other products. Among those includes; Churros in the City, Fried Ice Cream, Mini Donuts, Vanilla Ice Pearl, Waffle Island, Jiankang Noodles etc. etc…. Miguelitos International Corporation was also featured by local media. Print Ads, Radio and TV Program. Encouraging individuals to aspire a good future and stability by means of having a business franchise.

Holding each other strength gives them outstanding result. Starting a business from scratch and consistently growing up nationwide, branching from nearby Asian countries and will soon penetrate Dubai and other parts of the world. Whoooaaaa….. The rest was history.

It is not my first time to accept hosting bookings from them. Being an emcee to their little ones birthday party. From the very pretty Ate Mica, Birthday of Kuya Miguel and also to sweet darling Mariel. Hosting of Mr and Dra Aguilar Wedding (Brother of Mam Michelle) up to their little angel first birthday. I was able to handle Miguelitos International Corporation Christmas Party celebration last December 2010. I cannot forget that event. The concept was very refreshing. A gay contest wherein department has their own representative.The latest was last night product launching of their new Baby “Micafe”. We were so grateful knowing that they have this outmost trust on us. Mam Michelle is really a dear. So sweet and a true person. She always have something to give as her token of appreciation for us. By the way Mam, thanks so much for the Hermes Bag. I Love it….mwahhh

Being a Professional host, before I start talking in front, Its a must for me to know the profile and gather infos about the event. Since there was a product to be launch, I myself do the initiative to taste it first. My verdict… Sorry I dont drink coffee. Lets just focus on the hot chocolate review… ahemmm..again, again… verdict… “The product is Competent”.…Not so sweet, not too loud. In short, It fits my palette. As a consumer, knowing the cost of Php5/sachet, I will not hesitate to give it a try.
I know my blog was kindda novel to compare. But everything written above was based according to my personal opinion and experience. Unpaid and no personal agenda.
To our idols, Senyor and Senyora Aman. We salute you, Thank you very much for treating us like your own Miguelitos Family. Cheers…

1 comment:

  1. Hello, looking for more posts from u. I'm a new blogger.
